16th Anniversary Farmers and Landowners Conference
September 24, 2022 - FOCUS ON THE FUTURE
Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers Policy Research Center, Policy Center Overview
Eloris Speight, Director
The Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers Policy Research Center was authorized in the 2014 Farm Bill and is located in Mississippi at Alcorn State University, an 1890 University. It is a national center with a strategic focus in the 18 states with 1890 land-grant universities. It was created to be a voice for socially disadvantaged farmers and to ensure there is data driven information available.
Its mission is to “Conduct research, analyze policy, and make recommendations seeking to achieve equitable and economic integration of USDA programs and policies for socially
disadvantaged farmers, ranchers, communities and rural landowners.”
Student Panel, Perspectives on Agriculture
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV), Hub of Prosperity Farm
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley recently established its Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS) chapter. Meet agriculture students who are more than students, they’re also farmers. We open the conversation to what it’s like being an ag student today. They’ll share what they see as the future of agriculture; challenges now and in the future; careers; environmental; economics; and take questions from conference participants.
Characteristics of Socially Disadvantaged and New/Beginning Farmers and Ranchers in the 2017 Census of Agriculture
USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)
America’s farmers and ranchers will soon have the opportunity to be represented in the nation’s only comprehensive and impartial agriculture data for every state, county and territory. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will mail the 2022 Census of Agriculture to millions of agriculture producers across the 50 states and Puerto Rico beginning in November. In this session we’ll review socially disadvantaged and new/beginning farmers and ranchers demographics from the previous Census, in preparation for the new Census.
Standing on a Lot of Love: Planning for Intergenerational Ownership of Land
Mavis Gragg, Co-founder, HeirShares
Mavis Gragg is a seasoned attorney and conservation professional with nearly two decades of experience in real estate, conflict resolution, estate planning, and probate. She focused her work on family land retention after she and her siblings lost much of their family wealth. She knew that she could develop resources to help other families avoid that kind of loss.