Subscribe to Minority Landowner and see how we help farmers, ranchers and forest landowners improve productivity, increase profitability and maintain ownership of their land.
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4 issues of Minority Landowner
2 print issues and 2 digital issues
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Understand farm ownership funding sources.
Learn about federal (USDA), state and local financial and technical assistance programs.
Find resources to help with timber sales and other forest management practices.
Connect with farm co-ops and mentorship programs.
Discover opportunities in urban and community agriculture.
Access the Farmers of the Year issues, the Minority Landowner Resource Guide, Special Editions and more.
Meet and learn from other farmers, ranchers and forest landowners across the country.
Stay abreast of workshops, webinars and conferences.
Meet experts who can help your family build generational wealth by understanding wills, estate planning and heirs’ property.
Annual Subscription
20$Annual Magazine SubscriptionValid for one year- 4 issues of Minority Landowner (2 print & 2 digital)